Helpful Videos

Browse and watch these videos to understand further how Kangen Water can empower your life through improving your physical health, financial wealth and peace of mind…

Change Your Water Change Your Live (Pat Boone)

Bob Gridelli demonstrate the health benefits of Kangen Water with Pat Boone…

The Door to Evolution

Cooking with Kangen Water by Chef Pascal Allaire  …

Brain On Water – Dr Corinne Allen

Water… the most important substance for your brain to function!      …

Answer for a thirsty world

A full Kangen Water demonstration and Business opportunity presentation by too leader, Daniel Dimacale.…

Change your Water… Change your Life!

Live Demo! World Champion skater and performer, Elvis Stojko, drinks and endorses Kangen Water! …

The Secret Sauce

Restaurant owners are getting more business and more return customers after investing a Leveluk Super sd501 Kangen Ionizer in the…

The Power of Restructured Water

Health and Wellness Report Kangen Water used in hospitals, skin clinics, care centres, restaurants, plantations and even golf course.  …

Pets love it! Vets love it!

Your pets deserve the healthiest drinking Kangen water too! …

The Power of Restructured Water 还原水

Kangen Water used in hospitals (In Mandarin)…